Tellus Dag
This was a group project I was a part of in the course "Interactive Information Design". Tellus Dag is an educational and interactive story aimed for primary school kids, informing and teaching them about a sustainable way of living. The story begins with an introduction of Tellus which we then get to follow throughout an ordinary day, from his home to his school.
Tellus Dag is an interactive experience in which the kids can stand in front of the screens and interact with certain items available to them, which will then trigger a new screen showing them more information about the impact that specific item has on the environment.
In this project I was in charge of the main animations, more or less all the animations shown in the video below. Everything was later on put together (visuals, animation and sound) into a software called Watchout.

VIew of the Watchout Workspace

Example of one of the screens that could be triggered